Reaping What You Sow

Greg Vialle Saturday 24 of October, 2015

'Are you going to tell me,' said Arthur, 'that I shouldn't have green salad?'
'Well,' said the animal, 'I know many vegetables that are very clear on that point. Which is why it was eventually decided to cut through the whole tangled problem and breed an animal that actually wanted to be eaten and was capable of saying so clearly and distinctly. And here I am.'

-Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

My brown thumb has shown an extraordinary penchant for unproductiveness this year, most recently in my inability to harvest what little fruits I've managed to grow. It seems that, unlike the cow at the end of the universe, vegetables do not exactly clamor to be harvested. Some things are obvious to me, like berries, which rather conveniently change color when they are ripe, but other things less so. I compiled some of me research on the topic below:

Much of traditional gardening lore is based on weather and seasons. A CELSS will ideally be more consistent weather wise. The incorporation of seasons into a CELSS is a topic for another post...  
